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What are your long-term skills needs? – only 46% of companies have a have workforce planning strategy (CIPD Talent Planning Survey 2021)

With the struggle for talent, planning for the future has never been so important, as the year draws to a close we think this is a good time to consider the key skills your business requires for 2022 and beyond.

The most common reaction (57%) to the talent shortage is to develop skills in-house. There is a shortage of key talent in some sectors and we are seeing employers considering different retention strategies, hand in hand with personal development programmes. We find the best place to start is a skills audit and then look at business requirements for the next 12-24 months. Once the data is in one place it will be apparent where the immediate concerns are but perhaps more importantly what is coming up. This is not just good practice for larger employers but small companies can benefit from workforce planning too – if budgets are tight there are now more options than ever.

Guildford HR work with some excellent companies that can complete a skills audit of your business and then help to implement the learning and development required, please call 01483 362732 for an exploratory discussion.