Flexible Working: ACAS Code of Practice

The updated Code of Practice on Flexible Working is currently awaiting parliamentary approval. If passed, the new law will come into effect from 6 April 2024. Employers should note there are some key changes to the formal process. The Code relates to the statutory right to request flexible working as set out in the Employment…

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wo people working at a desk on their laptops with coffee

The Pitfalls Of Working From Anywhere

One of the positive things about the advancement of technology is that it’s enabled us to do business from literally anywhere we want. This has become more apparent over the last few years, when working remotely in locations that were not a main office has become the norm. It’s not hard to see why either….

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childcare funding and increasing the workforce

Childcare Funding and Increasing the Workforce

The UK government have introduced a new initiative in helping women return to the workplace.  In doing so, the plan is to extend free childcare hours in England for all children aged nine months to five years by September 2025. The data from the Childcare Survey states that the cost of childcare can be as…

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Signing a large book at a desk

Changes to Flexible Working Legislation

Businesses should begin to think about the impact of how new legislation will affect ways of working. Currently new employees must wait 26 weeks, after their start date, before they are able to make a flexible working request and they can only make 1 request a year. Forthcoming legislation will allow employees to make requests…

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