Employment changes

Employers should expect far reaching employment changes – start planning now

There will be so many changes to employment rights, employers need to consider the impact now. These changes will affect all employers, regardless of size, unionised or not. The new government want to improve employees rights from day one. This will change the way recruitment and probation periods are managed.  Processes will become critical. Small…

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Employment law book

Employment Rights, significant change expected before Christmas!

Labour have stated that their ‘Plan to Make Work Pay’ will be delivered in full, introducing new legislation within 100 days. Further details will be seen on 17 July 24, when the King’s speech is expected to contain an Employment Rights Bill. What are the key changes to impact on small employers: There are more areas of proposed…

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Person off work sick

Statutory Sick Pay

Employers must by law, pay statutory sick pay (SSP) to employees and workers providing they meet the eligibility criteria. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for statutory sick pay, an employee or worker must: – • Be classed as an employee.• Earn at least £123 a week, before tax.• Inform their employer that they are sick…

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Couple sitting with a child that they have adopted

Adoption Leave

When a couple are adopting, in respect of leave and pay entitlements, only one person must be assigned as the ‘primary’ adopter. Adoption Leave and pay is available only to employees who adopt through an adoption agency. Please note that employees who adopt a child on a private basis are not eligible for adoption leave…

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Returning from maternity leave

Maternity leave can be complex for small employers this article looks to summarise the key points. Changing the return date If an employee wants to change their return date from maternity leave, they must give the employer at least eight weeks’ notice before the new end date. If the employer is not given enough notice,…

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Pregnant employee

What does an employer need to do to support a pregnant employee

Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, an employer has a duty to carry out a risk assessment of the work that employees are required to do. Regulation 16 specifically requires employers who employ women of child-bearing age to carry out an assessment if the work could involve a risk to…

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Equality Act

Equality Act Amendments

Draft legislation has been published by the government with regards to amending the Equality Act 2010 from 1st January 2024. The Equality Act amendments include the following: – If you would like to discuss the implications of these changes, contact us on 01483 362732….

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Signing a large book at a desk

New Legislation – The Worker Protection Act 2023

The Worker Protection (Amendment to Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 receives Royal Assent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Employees are protected under The Equality Act 2010 against sexual harassment in the workplace and on the 26th of October 2023, The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 received Royal Assent. This new legislation…

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Signing a large book at a desk

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination is a protected characteristic under the Equalities Act 2010.  There are a number of ways to fall foul of this legislation during the employment relationship. If you have any questions please contact us on 01483 362732 or if you would like further information please refer to our Equal Opportunities Policy…

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Signing a large book at a desk

Important News regarding changes to employment rights – update to policies

Neonatal Care The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act will allow eligible employed parents whose new-born baby is admitted to neonatal care to take up to 12 weeks of paid leave, in addition to other leave entitlements such as maternity and paternity leave. Protection from Redundancy The Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Act…

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wo people working at a desk on their laptops with coffee

Managing Employee Performance

Managing Employee Performance – The What and the Why As your business grows, you will find yourself needing some help managing your team. This is an exciting time, but it also means you need to make some tough decisions. For example, do you hire an internal HR manager for your business? Or do you outsource…

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Signing a large book at a desk

Unfair Dismissal

Heat of the Moment Decisions – Potential Unfair Dismissal As employer’s we have all experienced employees who have threatened to leave or have decided after an incident or during a meeting, that they have “had enough” and said I am leaving, or just leave for the day. As an employer it is not always clear…

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